Play Dates- Top 5 Reasons for a Mommy Circle

Having friends with children in the same age group as my kiddos makes motherhood even more enjoyable. It’s always fun planning activities for them that gives them the opportunity to bond and us ladies a chance to catch up. Sometimes, it’s as simple as calling each other to do a quick dinner at our favorite kid-friendly restaurant Chick-Fil-A.

Top 5 reasons why I think it’s important to have a mother circle:

  1. Life long friendships- your children will have the opportunity to develop bonds with friends from a very young age. When they are 30 years old, it’s going to be incredible to hear them say that they were friends their entire lives and reminiscence about the fun they had as kids. With this particular handsome fella, his mom and I have been friends since the age of six. Our birthdays are two weeks apart and our children’s birthdays are two months apart. Going through motherhood together has strengthened our lifelong friendship while developing and fostering theirs.
  2. Watch them grow- it’s amazing how quickly time flies and how much your children grow right in front of your eyes. Having a good friend to enjoy that process with makes it even more worthwhile! It seems like yesterday these two little ones had their first play date…in their car seats taking a nap beside one another. Now, they are playing independently and engaging in full conversations with each other. We chuckle watching them develop into their own personalities.
  3. Extended learning- opportunities to play, explore and learn with friends makes the process more impactful while making memories. We plan fun trips for them to attractions such as EdVenture Children’s Museum, Riverbanks Zoo, local parks, and take them to activities like Sesame Street Live, strawberry picking at Cottle Strawberry Farm and for Fall pumpkin fun at Clinton Sease Farm. They talk about these excursions for weeks…sometimes even longer. Most importantly, they make connections from those experiences to reading materials, conversations, their critical thinking process, and current world events.
  4. Village- having a circle of caring and nurturing adults for your children is imperative while raising them. My husband and I place high value in having others that Alana and Ariah will listen to, respect, receive love from, and can spend time with in our absence. Not to mention, finding babysitters can sometimes be quite difficult. Having a network of moms and friends you trust that you can call at crunch times and your children are already comfortable with is absolutely priceless.
  5. Mommy time- having the opportunity to catch up with great friends while your kiddos play is fun for both them and you. Discussing serious topics such as the kids behavior, to fun subjects like shopping, to catching up on the latest developments and DIY tips can all be covered in the 2-5 hours spent together for the day. Time flies when you all are having fun!

Enjoy watching them grow and sharing the process with great friends along the way!
