Gifts for Them and You- Fun with Learning Too

Every once in a while, you have to get the kids a gift…that is really for you and your sanity. This Doc McStuffins toy bin is that gift for me!

It was my brilliant idea to get the girls blocks for their birthday. The enthusiasm of this purchase quickly wore off after about the fifth consecutive day of Alana eagerly dumping them all on the floor. Of course, cleaning them up became a nightmare. She would always leave them everywhere. It never failed…as soon as I would permit her to play in her room, the blocks were the first things she would grab. I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times she would pour them out right before it was time for us to leave the house. Returning home to blocks in the middle of the floor at night when all you had time to do was get them ready for bed became a pain in my foot…literally…to say the least. So, I solved the issue and ordered the perfect gift…for the both of us!

Even though it was a very long day, I’m getting use to picking up both girls from two different schools, it’s dark and rainy outside while I’m unloading the groceries, I’m exhausted from my workout and work day, I have to finish laundry as I prepare to fly out this weekend, and my husband is out of town for work…I didn’t let any of that stop me from putting this gift together when it came in today. Again…this gift is for her…but will help with maintaining my sanity!

Though it was a little past her bedtime, we used this opportunity to not only clean up her room, but learn new math concepts as well. We counted the total number of drawers, discussed the sizes of the drawers (small, medium, and large) and we also learned how to sort our toys into categories (kitchen, princess, dolls, Doc McStuffins, and blocks). We identified both tasks with the proper math vocabulary to reinforce the concepts. Alana was beyond excited to receive one of her early Christmas presents…and mommy is relieved to have a new organization system for all of their toys. Yay to gifts for them…that are also for me!

Until next time,

