“You’re the Best Mommy I’ve Ever Met!”

Today was a great day! When I woke up, I realized it would be one of those days that would be super busy but productive and absolutely necessary. So I threw on my Little Wife Big Life shirt, said a prayer and wore my smile. It started with answering client messages followed by two eager children ready to start their day. My oldest was excited about her field trip to Skateland Fun Center, which was a new experience for her. My youngest one is just happy about waking up in the mornings and full of energy the entire day. After getting them dressed, I managed to get my oldest one to school in time to allow her to ride on the school bus with her classmates and friends to their trip. She loves that part so I try my best not to let her miss it. Today though, that literally required me to drop her off, go back the opposite direction of 15 minutes to drop my youngest one off, then go back almost 30 minutes to meet her at the skate center. I literally pulled up as they were getting off of the bus to enter the facility.

After capturing her skate for the very first time, I managed to make it back to eat lunch with my youngest by 11am. This is her last week at her first child care center. We will be on family vacation the next two weeks then in mid-July, she will start school with her big sister. I wanted to make sure this last week was extra special for her so I’m doing a few activities in her class this week. She was surprised and ecstatic to have me visit for lunch.

To conclude the day, I literally had to meet with an attorney, shop for a new car, and go to my first physical therapy session (all related to a recent car accident) as well as get a new laptop (to replace the one damaged in a recent flight). I did all of that and managed to handle customer calls, pick up by oldest by 5:30pm, pick up my youngest by 6:00pm, and eat a balanced dinner by 7:30pm. Did I mention that I also swung by EdVenture Children’s Museum to pick up a copy of Palmetto Parent Magazine which featured my first article on planning a fun filled learning family vacation in the great state of South Carolina. Be sure to grab a copy to help you plan your trip.

The best part, having Alana say “you’re the best mommy I’ve ever met!” That makes super busy days like today worth every minute!

Until next time,

