4yr old Entrepreneur- Nurturing Your Child’s Interest and Talents

For as long as I can remember, my parents nurtured my natural abilities, interests and talents which included reading, writing, speaking, leadership and entrepreneurship. They always cultivated my skills by enrolling me in camps, encouraging me to participate in oratorical and writing contests, supporting me in student government campaigns and leadership roles as well as encouraging my entrepreneurial spirit. At the young age of 6, my mom allowed me to prepare her snacks for clients, assemble packets for her staff and answer the office phone. As I grew older, she supported me in making and selling jewelry, having a snack stand, and operating a tutorial summer camp by the age of fourteen. Needless to say, entrepreneurship runs deep in my blood.

When raising children, I believe it’s important to nurture their God given abilities, talents and skills. So far, Alana has demonstrated an interest in soccer, dance, singing and swimming- all of which she’s actively participated in. With both my husband and I having businesses, it wasn’t a surprise when she started showing interest in entrepreneurship. But, to be perfectly honest, trying to engage her in our businesses at this current stage wasn’t working to say the absolute least. Well, let me try to paint the picture. At our paint party studio (look at previous post about Wine & Design Columbia), she did well arranging paintings, pushing in stools and assisting with opening shipment. However, she’s not permitted in the studio during adult classes due to customers partaking in adult beverages. Additionally, she has a meltdown every time there is a kid’s birthday party that doesn’t celebrate her-typical 4 year old. I’m sure you could imagine why that too wasn’t good for business. Then we attempted to take her along when my husband and I would have authors visits and book signings. Let’s just say she was very territorial with the other kids laying claim on her parents. That too wasn’t good for business. So, I prayed and looked for opportunities that would allow me to work with her and developing her skills. Launching a jewelry business was the absolute perfect way for me to do so. Why? Here are a few of the reasons that made it beneficial for us:

  1. Personal interest- she loves playing with my jewelry and shoes. With this business, she and I can work together while she’s learning about products, merchandise, and selling items using something she naturally enjoys.
  2. Low maintenance- the buy-in cost was very inexpensive. If she decided she was no longer interested, I would just keep the products for myself or gift to family and friends. The initial investment was worth taking a chance and teaching her valuable skills in the process. If she ended up enjoying it and wanting to continue it…well then, that would be priceless! It also made perfect sense, since I work with so many women, to offer the service.
  3. Mommy-Daughter bonding- I absolutely love spending time with my daughters and teaching them new concepts. I get to add working a business as something we will experience together as well. I’m looking forward to using this as an opportunity to host Mother-Daughter princess parties with family, friends and community members. Let the fun begin!

Tonight, my love bug launched her business during a Facebook live announcement and even sold a few items too. I’m so proud of her for speaking to the audience, selling her products, and describing her merchandise. Even though she initially sold the items for five cents, she quickly learned to sell them for five dollars and immediately recouped her loss. Hahaha! I’m sure this business venture will teach us a lot and give me so much to blog about. Stay tuned for our new adventures! In the meantime, be sure to visit her website and purchase a few nice pieces.

Until next time,

Xoxo and happy shopping!
