Twelve Things That Creates a Crazy Day for Mom- Part 1!

Some mornings, getting myself together is a chore. Getting myself, two girls, and my fur baby together can be even more hectic at times…especially when my husband is gone for the week. Today was one of those days that reminded me of how small incidents can cause crazy days for moms. Bless the heart of any mom who encounters several in one day…like I did this morning.

1. Laundry didn’t dry- I opened the dryer only to realize the clothes are still damp. It dawned on me that I inadvertently pushed the start button without restarting the timer. Of course my daughter’s favorite dress is in that load. Developing a creative plan of how to fix this before my four-year-old wakes up is the first task of the day.

2. New season…new sniffles- it’s a crisp breeze in the air to kick-off the new month of October and further solidify the season of Fall. For my family, it also kicks off seasonal allergies. My littlest one is irritable and fussy from a new tooth coming in with a little nasal congestion to add to it. She wants me to hold her while I use the bathroom, get dressed, pack their bags, let the dog out, and everything else in-between the morning routine but yet, she doesn’t want any help to brush her teeth, put on her clothes or shoes, or do her hair.

3. Dreaded socks- Yes, that’s exactly how I feel! As many socks as I buy, it seems like I’m never able to find ones that match…or it takes forever to locate them when I need them. It’s even worse when looking for the girls. The moment I think I’ve found the right pair, one fits the oldest daughter and the other fits the youngest daughter…so I’m back on the hunt for matching socks.

4. Missing keys- usually my house keys and car keys are on the same keychain. Since my car was recently serviced, they aren’t currently on the same keychain. So, when attempting to leave the house, I couldn’t find my wallet that had the house key. Using an alternate method of securing the house, I ran out leaving the wallet behind and only grabbing my car key.

5. Remembering the essentials- with dance tutus, soccer shirts , karate uniforms, nap blankets, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, book bags, notebooks, snacks, change of clothes, and all of the necessities for the school day/week, it’s sometimes inevitable to still forget something even after planning and packing. Let’s not even mention the days that I’m also preparing to be gone for a couple of days so I have to ensure the girls have everything in my absence for whoever is picking them up from school. This always leads to driving out of the drive-way only to pull right back up to run in the house and grab what I left. Sometimes this happens 2 or 3 times depending on the activities of the day.

6. 5 minutes late = 15 extra minutes of traffic- by the time all of this transpired, I literally leave the house 5 minutes later than I needed to…and got stuck in 15 extra minutes of traffic. My oldest child’s teacher starts his class activities right on time so of course my little love bug was tardy. We walked in with a bright “good morning” and quickly got her transitioned with her peers.

  • Upon returning home, it took me over an hour to locate my wallet…in the toys of my 22 month old. I have to remember she’s getting taller and thinks my keys are toys. This prompted me to share the crazy little things that can throw off a mom’s day. A few additional ones that thankfully didn’t occur today, but have definitely caused crazy mornings in the past includes:
  • 7. The massive baby blowout- the ones that occur right after they are dressed, in the car and buckled in their car seat when all of a sudden, a major smell comes out and there is a leak. So, taking them out, running them in the house, and starting the process all over again definitely delays the morning.
  • 8. A breakfast spill- this tends to happen when the girls waste their juice or drops their food on the floor and needs a new plate. The worst incident I had was when the top didn’t close on the apple juice container and it fell off the counter, wasting all between the oven, cabinets and down the pantry. Imagine cleaning up that mess as you are preparing to leave the house.
  • 9. Leaving homework or projects- as the girls get older, their desire for independence grows stronger. My oldest one likes to take responsibility for grabbing her own items. This particular time, she insisted on carrying her school project so I gave it to her. Only to get all the way to school for her to say she accidentally left it at the entryway of the house. Not wanting her to miss turning in her assignment, I got them both signed in and went back home to retrieve the project and delivered it back to school.
  • 10. Forgetting a major event- like picture day, field trips, parent meeting, assembly or program. We have a saying in our house- “If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist!” That’s kinda true…but not really. There are so many key dates to remember for each child and when something doesn’t make the calendar, it can literally throw off the entire day. I’ve had days where I realized a major event was about to take place…as I was dropping off the girls. Like when it was picture day and we dressed for comfort that morning to be on time. I rushed home and returned with cute clothes only to be informed that the photographer was already done for the day. Make-up pictures was definitely a must in this case.
  • 11. Appointments- I try my best to schedule their doctor visits and check-ups at the same time to reduce the back-and-forth of appointments and to prevent multiple days spent in doctor’s offices. However, there have been times when one has an appointment and the other doesn’t. So you either have to drop one off at school, take the other to the appointment, then take them to school only to pick them back up in just a few hours. Or…you drop them both off, pick one up for the appointment, take them back to school, then pick them both back up. I won’t even discuss the time I was rear ended as I was turning into the appointment and my car was declared a total loss as a result. Talk about a crazy day of police reports, auto shops, insurance calls, and incident statements.
  • 12. Multiple drop-offs- when my youngest first started school, they were enrolled at two different academies…on two different sides of town. This literally made my drop-off and pick-up routine last two hours each day. When any of the aforementioned things threw off the morning, it was exacerbated by the distance between the two locations and the required attendance time of each school. Those made for very busy mornings. Thankfully, they are now enrolled at the same learning center.
  • There is no doubt that any of these things can definitely throw off a mom’s day. Especially when you experience several on the same day! The third one gets me the most. Even with all of that, we can’t let any of these things keep us from tackling our day and being great! I turned the morning around and prepared my tasks to achieve a productive day before it’s time to get the kiddos. Stay tuned for “Twelve Productive Tips to Turn Around the Crazy Day for Mom- Part 2!
  • Until then, share the things that can cause you to have a crazy day.
  • Xoxo
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    1 Comment

    1. October 8, 2018 / 3:53 pm

      oh, these sweet little girls. so lucky you are