Magical Milestone Memories- 35th Birthday Celebration: Part 3 (Me Time)

35 is a milestone and is usually celebrated with a big birthday party. Though I considered hosting a Masquerade Birthday Bash, I reconsidered and decided that instead of throwing a party that would last for three hours of which I would spend the entire evening frantically rushing around trying to see everyone without spending quality time with anyone, I would plan a month long celebration that would allow me to spend quality time with loved ones. Don’t get me wrong, I love to party and my husband threw an AMAZING Surprise 30th Birthday Party. Actually, I still get tickled pink about that celebration and can’t believe he was able to pull it off as a complete surprise (read Surprise 30th Birthday Bash post). I just wanted to enjoy a few different experiences with family and friends (Part 1), quality time with my husband (Part 2), and of course, alone time with just me-myself-and I!

Pamper Me Pretty- If you read my “Relax, Relate, Release” post, then you know how important I think it is to take opportunities to rejuvenate your body. I was able to do just that with a relaxing manicure and pedicure package at OCCO Luxury Spa. An extra perk was receiving an email from them wishing me a happy birthday and offering me 10% off my services. Whoo-hoo…I’ll take it!

Personal fitness- with the help of a physical trainer, I’m working to achieve my fitness goals while learning healthy tips for diet and exercise. It takes greater effort once becoming a wife and mother while balancing other responsibilities to focus on yourself and stay in the best shape possible…but it’s also more important so you can be the best version of you for yourself and your family (read more about this in the Relax, Relate, Release post).

Enhancing my wardrobe- after having children in particular, you definitely want to spruce up your wardrobe. Celebrating a milestone birthday makes you want to do so even more. Looking good makes you feel even better. I used the style expertise of two local stylist to get professional and casual outfits; Styled by Nadia and Erin Nicole.

Personal planner- a new year of life calls for new life goals! You have to be intentional about working hard to achieve personal dreams. I truly believe if you write it down and make it plain, God will fulfill the desires of your heart. This Cool Soror journal is absolutely perfect for recording my thoughts and ideas. Included are positive quotes by guests of the podcast series. D

Sharing my gift with the world- each year I work on a project and share it with the world. In previous years, I released books, hosted events, implemented non-profit efforts, etc. This year, I launched a new podcast sharing my love for reading and learning through The Magic of Learning Storytime. This FREE resource is great for parents and teachers to play for bed time, during road trips, or in class language arts centers. Be sure to subscribe and leave a review.

Lunch dates- while the kiddos were at school and the hubby was away…the wife/mom will play! I treated myself to a few uninterrupted lunch dates. Imagine being able to eat your food while it’s still hot, feeding yourself first, not picking up spilled food, not reminding others to sit down and chew with their mouths closed, and everything else that comes with family meals. It was absolutely divine.

Photo shoot- “She looks like a celebrity!” I overheard a young man say this as I was preparing for my photoshoot. Who doesn’t want to feel and look like a celebrity every once in a while?! My photoshoot was so much fun and captured the true essence of the excitement I have about life.

Professional Make Up services- though I regularly use the help of make-up professionals for various engagements and events. This particular month, I solely focused on learning new tips and completing my collection of make-up necessities. Since I don’t have a daily makeup regiment and always use the services of professional artists, I wanted to learn more about personal application. It was very helpful and came at the perfect time.

I had an amazing time celebrating my life during the month of March. Momma I made it (check out that post)…and I’m so grateful to God for giving me another year and opportunity to use my life to make a difference in the world.

