Party of 1

I must admit, I’ve become such a pro at traveling with the hubby and kiddos that now I’m anxious traveling alone. I almost feel guilty to be so relaxed and free. Normally, I dread anything that requires me to get up super early. But this morning, I woke up at 2am to nurse, again at 3am to make sure I didn’t oversleep for my 6am flight, and got out of the bed at 3:30am. After taking a long uninterrupted hot shower, I literally had time to get myself dressed and packed in complete silence and peace. Talk about total relaxation. After kissing both of my darlings on the forehead, taking care of my four legged baby, loading the dishwasher, preparing the girl’s suitcase and travel bags, eating my breakfast and waking my sister-in-love to let her know I was leaving, I left my house with twenty minutes to spare.

I arrived at the airport almost a full 90 minutes ahead of time and literally took time to clean out my car before checking in. After checking my two pieces of luggage, I only had one carry on that was free of diapers, wipes, sippy cups, snacks, crayons, coloring books, change of clothes, and other infant and toddler necessities. I literally forgot how quickly you go through security check. I almost jumped up when they called for passengers with children, strollers or requiring extra time. That’s usually my cue to rush to get the kiddos down to the plane, break down the strollers, get to the restroom and settled in our seats before the rest of the passengers and their way to the plane. Complete ease is what I felt walking down the jetway as a party of one.

I took a couple of selfies with my love bugs before preparing for my trip. My hubby is already out of town so we FaceTimed before I departed. I miss my family but I’m looking forward to a weekend of much needed “me time”.

Praying for traveling mercies and an enjoyable experience!
