Watching the Royal Wedding…with Two Toddlers

Have you ever watched the Royal Wedding with two toddlers? Let me tell you, it was truly an experience. I will be perfectly honest about a few things:

  1. I didn’t catch the entire ceremony. I value my sleep on the weekends and enjoyed a little extra rest. The girls woke me up a little after seven so I tuned in to a live feed via Voc on Facebook. I caught it just in time for the breathtaking rendition of “Stand by Me” and the beautiful nuptials. My absolute favorite part was the closing melody of Amen-This Little Light of Mine.
  2. Though I was prepared for a Royal tea to go along with the festivities, it didn’t happen. Imagine trying to watch the ceremony while explaining the significance of the event to a four-year-old while stopping your seventeen-month-old from taking out all of the diapers and wipes from their containers, keeping them from climbing on furniture, and removing their feet, hands and other body limbs from your back, face and side. Eventually they were over it and proceeded to go play and have a dance party- their own form of celebrating the occasion. I will commence to to enjoy my hot tea with lemon sticks and honey spoons this evening after putting the girls to bed in celebration of love, happiness and all things romantic.
  3. We did not look like the picture above. Like seriously, didn’t you read that the girls woke me up and we rolled over to catch the last part of the ceremony? I’m often called a supermom but I’m not quite that good. Lol! We were covered in our natural morning glow and that was as radiant as ever. And yes, it’s corny, but I still sleep in my husband’s shirts when he is away. Something about wearing one of his clothing articles makes him feel closer to home. By the way, the evidence of the wipes is in my youngest’s hands.

One of the best synopsis I’ve seen about the extraordinary union and why it was absolutely magical for so many reasons is in The New York Times. Click here to read that article.

Immediately following the ceremony, we got dressed to attend Women’s Day brunch at our church. This was the perfect way to commemorate the day with my girls. Stay tuned for a full recap of the experience.

Until then,

Xoxo ?
