7 sleeps- Tips for nurturing the kids when Daddy is Away

These little ladies LOVE their Daddy! It’s absolutely heart warming to see their affection and adoration for him. All relations require work, commitment and communication…parenting relationships with your children aren’t any different. My husband’s travel schedule is quite demanding due to speaking engagements at different school districts all over the country, Mr. L. Kobie Da Wiz spends a lot of time on the road and in the air. This week, he’s in Chicago, Illinois for seven days. To nurture their relationship, here are a few things we do with the girls.

  1. Count the sleeps- before he leaves, Kobie prepares them for the amount of time he will be gone by letting them know how many sleeps (nights) it will be. This trip was for seven sleeps.
  2. Frequent FaceTime calls- to keep Dad abreast of the many facets of the day-to-day care of the girls, we FaceTime him quite often. These calls usually take place first thing in the morning or during the car ride to school, immediately after school pick-up or during dinner time, and again during bath time or bed time. That may sound a little obsessive and can definitely be modified based on your family lifestyle. For us, we like to keep in touch and updated with the many aspects of our life so it works out well. Some days are more hectic than others and we don’t make each touch point but those days are totally fine too.
  3. Pre-recorded messages- some of Kobie’s appearances and work engagements are on another time zone. That 1-3 hour time delay makes a big difference when it comes to wake-up and bed times. Especially when it’s 7am my time and 4am on the West Coast. During those trips, my husband will pre-record video and voice messages for the girls to view and listen to in the mornings. This allows them to get their daily dose of love and care while recognizing that he needs to get his rest.
  4. Daddy surprises- when Daddy returns home, he surprises the girls by either greeting them when they wake up, going straight to their school if he lands in the afternoon, or reading their bedtime story if it’s later in the evening. In some cases, he even send them a little snail mail with cute gifts.
  5. Join the fun- if the school is local or if he is gone longer than 7 sleeps and my schedule permits, we join in on the fun. We travel to the schools and either accompany him during his segment if it’s an author’s day visit or educational concert. Otherwise, we keep ourselves entertained during the day and make it a family fun workcation in the evenings. Check out my post dedicated to our adventures on those excursions.

Until next time,

