Summer Break is Almost Over- 10 Things to Do with the Kiddos

Summer break is quickly coming to an end and your kiddos will soon head back to school. This is a perfect time to maximize the quality time you have to spend with your little ones…and big ones…before it’s time to return to the normal hustle and bustle of the daily school and work routine that immediately begins when you welcome in a new academic year. Here is a list of ten suggestions that are free or inexpensive activities that your family will enjoy. They all have been tried and kid approved by my girls too!

    Sleep in- just take a day (or two) to wake up naturally, turn over and go back to sleep. Allow your kiddos to sleep in as long as they like and just rest and relax for the morning.
    Binge on favorite TV shows and movies- my oldest daughter loves Doc McStuffins and Dora the Explorer. She particularly thinks it is a special treat to have uninterrupted time to catch up on her shows. I enable the Demand feature on the TV and allow her to watch episodes until her heart is content.
    Play at the park- what’s better than slides, swings, and playgrounds? Guaranteed fun for the entire family! Let your inner-kid out and enjoy a fun afternoon playing with your children during a play date.
    Go to a sprinkler or pool- neighborhoods, residential communities, and local city/county parks usually have pools, sprinklers or splash pads available at a nominal fee if not free. Grab your swimming gear, sunscreen and beach towels and have a fun wet afternoon.
    Bake cookies or make a snack- eating a meal together is great, but preparing the meal together is even greater. Take a moment to bake cookies, make jello, or create fun edible art. To extend the activity, have them join you while grocery shopping for the ingredients.
    Read fun books and visit the local library- engage in a few fun books, particularly ones that they picked out and really enjoy. Plan a visit to the library and check out books, videos, games, and other resources that would be fun to use for a few days. Be sure to check out their calendar of events to see what fun activities are planned for your child’s age group. Don’t forget to register your child for the summer challenge to earn rewards and prizes.
    Take a nap- yes, that’s right. Grab a soft pillow, a comfortable blanket and take a nap with the kiddos. The little ones will love you having a ”sleep over” or ”indoor camp excursion” with them.
    Have a dance party- just turn on some fun music and dance the time away with your kiddos. They will have a blast and you will get a great workout!
    Play a game or with their toys- join them in their play area and play with their toys. Build towers with the blocks, create objects with Leggos, dress up in costumes and play clothes, enjoy great conversation during a tea party, or play a favorite board, video, or card game.
    Ride bikes- take a nice stroll through your neighborhood or on a community trail on your bikes (or skates) as a family.

Be sure to share your experiences of the suggestions you all enjoyed the most. If you liked this list, stay tuned for part two with additional suggestions. Please look for upcoming webinar sessions through the Magic or Learning Institute that are coming soon online. Email to request a notification of those sessions.

Enjoy the memories!

