Busy Being Better- a typical day

My days are usually full and jammed packed from the time I wake up. I’m always asked what it’s typically like so I’m going to share the itinerary I had today.

Midnight- I went to bed after working on research.

4:00am- my 20 month old woke me up climbing into my bed. For the last few months, she wakes up, get out of her bed, walks out of her room, across the hall, and into our room in the pitch dark, and then climb into our bed. By that time, I’m too exhausted and enjoying my sleep way too much to get up and put her back in her bed. Sometimes, my hubby gets up to put her back in bed but lucky for her, it was just me.

6:45am- my alarm goes off. I usually try to snooze for about another 15 minutes and this morning, that’s all I managed to get.

7:00am- my oldest daughter walked into the room and climbed in the bed beside her sister to get a few more minutes of sleep.

7:05am- I got up and proceeded to get myself dressed. I pulled from the stack of clothes that I ironed ahead of time for the girls. I prepared two weeks worth of clothes for them to make it easier in the mornings when getting them ready for school. Especially since getting my oldest up sometimes is such a chore.

8:15am- up, dressed and fed, (including our dog) the girls and I are out of the door to get them to school. Thankfully, they are at the same location and it only takes 15 minutes to get there. Previously, they were at two different child care centers and dropping them off took a full hour. Now, it just takes 30 minutes to get them there and to my destination. I’m loving the extra hour I have a day.

8:45am- opened up the art studio to prepare for a group of 20 children participating in a field trip activity.

9:05am- picked up inventory needed for the weekend and dropped them back off at the studio.

9:20am- picked up Ariah from school to take her to the dentist office. Now you may wonder, why I took her to school in the first place. Well, 1)she would have cried like crazy for me to drop her sister off and she wasn’t able to go. She loves going to school; 2)the inventory wouldn’t have fit in my car with her inside; and 3)it’s much easier to navigate running errands alone than carrying a toddler.

9:40am- Ariah did an excellent job during her second dentist visit. She didn’t cry and was eager to have her teeth cleaned. I was totally amazed by how well she did.

10:30am- Ariah returned to school but her class already finished eating lunch. This gave me an impromptu lunch date with my littlest love bug. That totally worked out since I was going to have to miss a lunch meeting I would typically attend on Thursday afternoons due to the field trip at the studio. Spending quality time with her was an added bonus.

11:00am- I returned to the studio to assist in finishing the session. My artist doesn’t have a key so I needed to get back before the end of class. The kiddos had a blast during their experience and were eager to take pictures. We had a mini photo shoot with all of the little artists.

1:30pm- I attended my physical therapy appointment that I stared as a result of my car accident from three months ago. Taking time to make sure I’m the healthiest me possible is important to being able to care for others.

3:00pm- I returned to the studio to assist in preparing for an afternoon session scheduled to begin at 4:00pm. After getting ready, I had a few more errands to run and shipment to get, returning to the studio with deliveries at 4:30pm.

5:00pm- I left the studio with one artist teaching, another preparing to begin his evening class, and a third on the way to prep for his weekend class. I proceeded to return to the girls’ school to pick them up and get them home.

6:00pm- I quickly cooked dinner, showered, changed, and got the girls settled with my babysitter so that I could head out to an event for my alma mater. I enjoyed fellowshipping and getting to know other alumni while there.

8:30pm- The girls enjoyed their time with their big cousin. As a result, getting them to wind down was a bit of a challenge. After spending a little time with them to talk about their day, give them hugs and kisses, and make sure they had their fill for dinner, we proceed to our nightly routine of bath, story time, prayer time, and FaceTime with Daddy (who is working in California this week).

11:09pm- I’m completing this blog post but my day still isn’t over. Once I’m finished, I too have to do my night time routine which also includes checking a few emails and reading at least one research article or book chapter. I plan to be in the bed, hopefully, shortly after midnight.

That, my friend, is a typical day of this little wife with the big life. What’s not included is the normal day time customer calls, emails, errands, and tasks for other entities or projects. Additionally, due to the rain, I didn’t get to walk for 30 minutes either.

I read a quote, just today, that said Busy Being Better and I thought that was so appropriate for this post. Every day, I’m constantly busy, but I’m working on being better in all aspects of life: Christian, Wife, Mom, Business Owner, Community Leader and Servant as well as in other roles.

Thanks so much for joining me on this journey. Until next time,

