Do the work…get the power!

Today I visited a school to formally introduce myself to the principal whom recently booked an Ashlye V. and Tori experience for their pre-k and kindergarten students. I planned to show her the new book, discuss the activities that will take place during the segment and map out the logistics of their school visit.

The meeting went totally different than I planned. Three things occurred that completely surprised me:

1) She told me exactly who I was. She was familiar with my work, named my previous three books, and told me that she still have the teachers using them in the early childhood classes.

*My first book was published ELEVEN YEARS AGO and last book was published EIGHT YEARS AGO! I wanted to take time to focus on being a wife and mom and develop other projects so I waited to release my new book. Knowing that Tori continued to inspire children during that time totally warmed my heart. ❤️

2) She had the work of my hubby Kobie Wilkerson prominently displayed in her office. She had his “I Love Me” affirmation poster framed on the wall and his “Queen Infinity” book on top of her bookshelf.

*Principals attend A LOT of workshops and trainings throughout the year. To know that she participated in his session…before she became a principal over 5 years ago…but still holds on to his work speaks volumes to the value L. Kobie Da Wiz provides. Proud wife moment for sure! ?

3)She had paintings on her wall that looked quite familiar. I asked her if she ever visited Wine & Design and she confirmed that she had. She then shared that my artists conducted a team-building session for her staff and they thoroughly enjoyed the bonding. She said she had so much fun that she went several times since and is planning their upcoming staff event as well.

*So glad they received great service and built a strong community through their experience at our studio. Even cooler seeing it as decorative pieces in her office. ?If those paintings weren’t from us…but were our original artwork…we would have had a different conversation. ??

My hubby always says: “Do the work, get the power! But first, you must do the work.” Sometimes we wonder if we are really making a difference in what we do…but you won’t know unless you put the work in. Keep pushing towards your goals and strive to leave the world a better place from you being here and your power will manifest as you touch the lives of others.

Until next time,

